Wrap-up 2020.

Wrap-up 2020.

Our brand of smart urban furniture City Gecko can look back on its results achieved in the previous year. Although the year behind us was specific, challenging, accompanied by an unstable economic situation in the world, it was ungrateful for the development of the brand, it did not diminish our efforts, hard work, and final results. We analyzed the previous year, summarized the results and impressions, which we present in this way.

The month of March was the springboard of our brand, where smart benches were presented to the general public for the first time at the Energy Summit in Trebinje (SET). Summit participants, eminent experts from the energy sector of the country and the region, reacted very positively to our brand, which gave us additional motivation for further development. More active activity in the market in the next three months was stopped by the coronary virus pandemic, but that period was used for organization within the company and additional improvement of our solutions. The first solar supreme was installed in sunny Trebinje at a well-known location under the plane trees, thanks to SET, three months after the Summit.

Banja Luka as the city where City Gecko originated soon became richer with smart benches. Sberbank doo, as a socially responsible company, was the first to donate two benches – Modul Solar and Modul Wheel, which currently adorns the central city park. Shortly afterward, we, as a manufacturer, installed the Solar Module on the main city promenade, while the Innovation Center Banja Luka, with the help of the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society, provided funds for the Solar Module, which provides free internet in Banja Luka. Last year’s last smart bench was installed in the yard of our partners – the company JS Guru, where the Wood Module became an additional place to take a break from daily activities.

Thanks to our partners, two European metropolises have become part of the City Gecko network. The modularity of our products with the Z combination of all three Modules is shown in Zagreb, while the golf course in Vienna is richer by three Modules grouped into two units.

The mission of the brand – preserving the community and improving public places with smart furniture was achieved in the central part of the country, where the Municipality of Trnovo, thanks to the leaders of the municipality, became the first location of our smart benches. This was followed by installations in Sokolac, East Ilidža, and Pale, thanks to the East Sarajevo Development Agency (RAIS).

In parallel with the installation of smart benches, two processes of improvement and improvement of our solutions were performed. The benches were exposed to tests whose successful reports enabled the introduction of the CE mark, thus completing the documentation required for export to the European and world markets. Another parallel process that was realized thanks to the funds of the C2C program is the development of the web and mobile application City Gecko with which we have become more competitive in the market of smart urban furniture.

Participation in events that promote smart and future technologies was not absent despite the pandemic, so we were present at the Day of the Future! and BH Engineering weeks. Thanks to the event organizers, City Gecko solutions, philosophy, as well as plans and activities were presented to the public.

The end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 connected a new solution of the City Gecko brand – a solar bus stop that was designed and implemented as part of the Banja Luka smart city challenge organized by UNDP, the city of Banja Luka, and the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and the information society.

The previous year has brought many challenges for our brand, but when we analyze the results, we can proudly say that significant progress has been made in every respect. Our plans for the next period are the further development of solutions and installation of new ones with the expansion of the distribution network. We are looking forward to the continuation of this, 2021.