The new Banja Luka brand City Gecko is coming to the streets and parks soon

The new Banja Luka brand City Gecko is coming to the streets and parks soon

New technologies, renewables, and social responsibility have been a way of TELEMAX’s business since its inception. Therefore, it was necessary to launch a new brand, the urban mobile, City Gecko.

The main feature of the City Gecko solution is modularity. Functional forms can be obtained by combining different or the same modules and as such represent a suitable solution for urban and modern environments.

City Gecko is divided into three basic modules: SOLAR, WOOD and WHEEL.The modules are intuitively named according to capability and purpose.

The Solar module represents installed solar panels that collect solar energy, while the WOOD module is responsible for maintaining the basic function of the bench, which is always a suitable resting solution. The last module, Module Wheel, is partly a landfill and a charger for electric drones and bicycles, while in the other part it is a plant pot, or recycling bin.

“In the middle of last year, we came up with the idea to direct our business towards creating and perfecting innovation. One of the ideas we later opted for was a smart urban mobile. This idea has linked our previous way of doing business with the experience and knowledge gained in our work so far. ”Telemax points out.

Gecko testing of all modules is coming to an end, and today at the TELEMAX Business Center you can order the Solar Module Supreme version today.

You can find out more about the offer, modules and their application at