The future we’re building …

The future we’re building …

… by implementing smart cities

Although knowledge and skills are not lacking in our area, we still crave the rest of the world when it comes to advanced technology. Happiness for the population, experts in our area doesn’t sit with their hands crossed but follow world trends.
It is estimated that 70% of the population will live in cities and need them to become a place of better living that is not suffocated by polluted air.
Smart cities mean a sociological and technological ecosystem that improves the quality of life of the population while optimizing resources, above all energy, but also addressing pollution, traffic congestion and other problems facing urban areas.
However, all the technology installed in smart cities has no significance unless it is adequately implemented, and it depends mostly on the people.
A modern smart city is just like a smartphone. The capabilities of the smartphone depend on the users of its services, as it is with smart cities.

… by installing solar panels

With the rapid growth of energy needs around the world and the growth of clean energy needs, the solar industry has been seeing tremendous growth lately. More and more solar power plants are being set up to cover higher electricity demand.
Solar energy is completely renewable and free of charge. Once you have the solar panels installed, you will have no investment in the electricity you produce.
Solar energy users save as much as 75 million barrels of oil and 35 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year. Besides, an enormous amount of energy can be collected from the sun, because in just an hour the Earth receives more energy than it would consume in a whole year (approximately 120 terawatts).
It should be noted that solar panels produce electricity even when the weather is cloudy, up to 10-25% of the usual amount of electricity it produces during sunny weather. There are currently two trends that favor the installation of solar panels even in cloud areas. The first is that solar panels have become more efficient, especially in cloudy places, and the second is the fact that solar panel prices have become more affordable in the past few years, so today it is more affordable to install a larger solar system in places with less sunlight.