29 Jun TELEMAX on Smart City Forum
Smart city is becoming an increasingly common term, and a large number of cities around the world are implementing smart systems in various spheres of community functioning in order to make the lives of citizens simpler.
With the process of urbanization and progressive technological development, smart cities in the world are no longer the distant future, but the present to which we aspire in Bosnia and Herzegovina. There is no lack of knowledge, skills and goodwill, so that experts and cities do not sit idly by, but create preconditions for smart infrastructure and its further development. However, the implementation of these processes is possible only with the support of companies that develop integrated technological solutions, as well as institutions of both the public and private sectors.
That is why, at the initiative of the Bit Alliance, the Smart City Forum was established, a permanent meeting place for key actors who contribute to this process. This consultative body aims to encourage interaction, exchange of experiences and strengthen local capacities as well as to create partnerships that contribute to the successful implementation of the process of digital transformation of local self-governments.
Telemax, as the founder of the smart urban furniture City Gecko, is involved in the Smart City Forum.

The first meeting of the Smart City Forum was held on Wednesday, June 23, 2021. in Sarajevo, and key actors in the digital transformation through the smart city concept took part: local self-government units, associations of cities and municipalities, companies from the IT sector, faculties, experts on the topic of digital transformation, as well as donors.
Among other things, the UNDP research on the current readiness of BiH municipalities for digital transformation was presented at the meeting, and the panel discussed cooperation between the IT sector and local governments, the smart city market, the importance of the role of citizens in the digital transition and donor plans to support domestic actors.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that we are very ready for the digitalization process, and that digitalization in BiH is a long-term but possible thought. The Smart City Forum is conceived under the leadership of Bit Alliance as a platform for smart cities in BiH. It is a great honor for us to have the support of international organizations, local self-government units, associations of cities and municipalities, faculties, experts in the field of digital transformation, as well as the IT industry, which is a beacon to other industries on this path. I believe that we will once again show how united we can do everything, as the motto of the Bit Alliance says – United To Develop More!”- said the executive director of the Bit Alliance Tatjana Vučić.
Through its activities and business, Telemax company is committed to the implementation of smart systems and improving the quality of life of citizens, so we are very pleased to be part of the Smart City Forum. Through forum meetings that will be held periodically, participants will exchange experiences and knowledge that will contribute to the development of the concept of smart cities in BiH.
Certainly, this platform will significantly affect the quality of the implementation of activities and the achievement of expected results.