08 Jun Play Media Day 2021.
The beginning of June in Banja Luka marked the holding of the regional communication event Play Media Day. The sixth Play Media Day has been raised to a higher level, which was organized in a two-day format and completely free of charge through a combined online and offline format.
The event gathered a large number of interesting and quality participants from the world of the creative industry, who exchanged their rich experiences over two days. All participants concluded their lectures that in this challenging time, communication must not stop. We are very pleased that our brand of smart urban furniture, City Gecko, was also part of this story.
As manufacturers of smart urban furniture, we are working on raising public awareness of the positive impact of the use of digital technologies and renewable energy sources in public places, so it was of great interest to participate in an event like this.
Participants and visitors of the event had the opportunity to get acquainted with all three modules of our smart benches – Solar, Wood, and Wheel.
Thanks to a great organizational team, our sales director Nikola Maksimčuk had the opportunity to tell the story of City Gecko – from drawings and ideas to a new way of advertising. The concept of advertising on smart benches, as a completely new type of communication with clients, was dedicated to the attention of all participants in the event. The fact that characterizes the concept – social responsibility, creativity, and innovation are exactly what the market needs in this ungrateful time.
The thunderous applause was the best confirmation that everyone present recognized the potential that “lies” in our smart solutions for urban furniture. Positive reactions of participants and pleasant conversations about potential collaborators are additional motivation for us to further develop and improve the solution.
We can conclude that we have all learned a lot because meeting new people also brings new knowledge. In addition to knowledge, this event brought us a lot of positive energy that is needed for future work.
On behalf of Telemax and our brand City Gecko, we thank the organizers for this great event and hope to hang out in the years to come!
And until then, don’t forget – communication is endless…