Knowledge is the future!

TELEMAX na Soft Skills Academy

Knowledge is the future!

TELEMAX recognizes the importance of the continuous acquisition of knowledge and skills, as this builds a better future.

In the ceremonial hall of the Rectorate of the University of Banja Luka, a seminar titled “Soft Skills Academy” was held on May 12 under the general sponsorship of TELEMAX.

The Soft Skills Academy (SSA), organized by the Association of Electrical Engineering Students of Europe, the Local Committee of Banja Luka (EESTEC), involved a three-day course of training that enabled the participants to acquire new knowledge and skills in order to achieve the greatest possible competitiveness in the labor market.

Certified international trainers during the SSA presented the participants with ways to improve the social skills they need to achieve success in their future careers. 20 participants had the opportunity to attend workshops in the field of project management, presentation and communication skills, team work, time planning and other related topics.

TELEMAX representatives introduced the participants during their seminars with their business, but also highlighted the challenges they face each day in carrying out their activities, but also in hiring new employees. In this way, the participants presented the opportunities and threats that prevail in the real sector from the perspective of the employer.