26 Mar Energy Efficiency is the present and the future
Energy efficiency implies a wide range of activities leading to increased energy efficiency (heating / cooling, electricity and water) in a building or facility. By introducing energy efficiency measures into buildings and facilities, people reduce unnecessary wastage and excessive energy consumption. Therefore, users of buildings realize direct financial savings. In addition to energy savings, energy efficiency measures will improve the standard of living of people living or working in a building or facility. In addition, energy efficiency measures reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including CO2. Given the reduction in the need for primary energy, energy efficiency can be viewed as a new energy source.
Key areas in which energy efficiency measures can be applied are as follows:
• Thermal insulation of the building – insulation of the outer envelope (walls, roof and floor), windows, shutters;
• Heating;
• Cooling and ventilation
• Preparation of consumable hot water;
• Household electricity use – energy saving lighting, household electrical appliances, including refrigerators, washing and drying machines, dishwashers and small home appliances – TV, DVD, music lines, computers, printers, microwave ovens, mixers, ventilators.
The possibilities for financial savings are significant, depending on the type of implemented energy efficiency measures, generally about 20-30% can be saved with a small investment. It is possible to save between 5% and 10% only using energy in a smart and rational way.
When a consumer already repaid an initial investment for the implementation of energy efficiency measures, he continues to make savings.
Almost 20% of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s gross domestic product (BH) is spent on energy, as opposed to 6.1% in the United States and around 4.75% in the countries of the European Union (EU). At the same time, the increase in electricity and gas prices in B&H leads to even an increase in the price of energy for consumers. Citizens and the B&H authorities could somewhat reduce these costs by reducing consumption through energy efficiency measures.
Through numerous pilot projects implemented in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it has been proven that there are small and medium enterprises that are capable of implementing energy efficiency measures. One of these companies is TELEMAX, which offers products that offer savings in its product range. Furthermore, local governments and citizens are becoming more and more aware of the benefits of implementing energy efficiency measures. Unfortunately, one of the biggest obstacles to the implementation of energy efficiency measures on a larger scale is still present, which is the inaccessibility of funding mechanisms. Both public and private sectors have limited options for fundraising and, with limited resources, the energy efficiency industry in B&H will continue to stagnate.
Data source: USAID