09 Aug All the benefits of solar energy
The use of solar energy in the last few years is more and more acutal topic, and while some countries are dominant in the way the use solar energy, others still did not take concrete steps to efficiently utilize this renewable energy source. In this blog article we are presenting the main advantages of solar energy and additional reasons to invest in this energy and use it in your homes or businesses.
Sun is an abundant source of energy
Solar energy is the largest source of energy on Earth, and it is an amazing that 173,000 TW of solar energy flood the earth. This is 10 times more than the total amount of energy currently used in the world, or 10 times more than the power of all power plants on earth. In addition to this, this energy source is completely free, abundant, available in unlimited quantities, and has no negative effects on the environment. Taking into account the fact that the Earth’s surface area reaches 960 billion Kwh of solar energy per day and that this is the same amount of energy that can meet the needs of the world’s population for the next 180 years, then it is clear how much potential is there.
Environmentally Friendly
Solar energy is defined as the energy of solar radiation that manifests itself in the form of heat and light, and is considered to be renewable energy since it has no negative impact on the environment, and in no way affects the balance that exists in nature. The possibilities of using solar energy are limitless, and today it is largely used as a heating, electric, mechanical and chemical energy. Households who have decided to use solar energy, or its collection, convert it to the electric or heat energy used for heating of water or the entire household. Also, research has shown that solar energy releases much less greenhouse gases than fossil fuels, or has less impact on climate change than other non-renewable energy sources.
Safe investment and savings
There are numerous benefits of solar energy, but the most significant feature is the reduction of the cost of electrical or thermal energy, as well as a positive impact on the environment. Installation of solar panels can be considered as a major investment, but in each particular case it is possible to make a correct calculation and to determine the period of return on investment, which is usually several years (5-6 years). This data should not be taken as exact, because the return time of the investment depends on several factors. After you fully return your funds, solar panels start working for you and for your benefit, and you have your own energy for personal needs at no extra cost.
Plasma solar collectors convert around 95% of solar radiation into energy, and the savings generated by the use of solar systems for water heating are up to 70%. Household savings depend primarily on the types of panels used and for what purposes, and the use of solar energy for house heating have savings from 20% to 35% on an annual basis.
Low maintenance
Most of the solar power systems used today do not require much maintenance, and therefore do not cause high maintenance costs. Solar panels used for households require cleaning only several times per year.
Technology improvements
The solar industry is also characterized by technological advances and constant innovations that contribute to a better and more efficient use of solar energy. Innovations in the field of nanotechnology and quantum physics have the potential to to triple the electrical output of solar panels.