1. Vampire appliances.
No one likes to pay for something that they do not use, so why continue to pay for electricity that you are not directly using. Devices that stay plugged in all day continue to suck energy, even if they are not in use. That computer charger you keep plugged in all the time is a waste of energy and money. Unplug your devices that are not in use, otherwise you will continue to have an unusually high electric bill.
2. Light bulbs that are not energy efficient.
They might be slightly more expensive initially, but in the long run, LED light bulbs are a must when it comes to saving money on electricity. LED light bulbs use up to 90% less energy than traditional light bulbs, and nearly last forever.
3. Your house is not properly insulated.
Whether you are cranking up the heat on a cold winter night or have the air conditioning on high in mid-August, if your house is not properly insulated you will be wasting money. Invest in new windows, and make sure attic and basement spaces have proper insulation. The investment today will save you money down the road.
4. Running appliances that are not filled to capacity.
The dishwasher and the washing machine are two of the greatest inventions. Although these appliances are great for countless different reasons, they may be the culprit behind your unusually high electric bill. These appliances use a lot of energy, and if you are not smart, they will steal money right out of your pocket. Only run the dishwasher when it is completely full, eliminating the need to run it multiple times. The same goes for the washer and dryer.
5. Extreme weather.
Temperatures can change drastically in a 48 hour span. We have no control over those changing temperatures, but we do have control over how we respond. If there is a heat wave in mid-March, do not change the thermostat to reflect that temperature spike.
6. Unnecessary charging time for devices.
Yes, having a charged phone or computer is a necessity. But what is not a necessity is keeping that phone or computer plugged in overnight or all day. The average phone needs around 2-3 hours to fully charge, not a full 12 hours. Keeping your phone or computer plugged in all night drains energy, and will lead to an unusually high electric bill. Be aware of charging times, and remind yourself not to leave your electronics plugged in overnight.
7. AC is on while the windows are open.
Turning the air conditioning on while the windows are open is the equivalent of throwing money out that same window. The air conditioner is one of the biggest reasons drains on your power bill. Do not let expensive cold air go to waste. Make sure you keep your windows shut while the air conditioning is on to lower your next electric bill.
8. Off doesn’t always mean off.
Devices still suck energy even when they are “turned off.” Yes, you can make sure to turn off your washing machine or TV, but they are still plugged into the wall. Consider unplugging appliances, especially if you will not be home for an extended amount of time.